
How to Be Anonymous on Social Media: Why People Try to Protect Their Privacy

Anonymity is the key concept of any web-based resource since the Internet was initially developed as a platform where people could hide their real names and surf for information or communicate with others without revealing their true identity. The whole idea of anonymity on social media is neither wrong nor dangerous; it simply gives people a choice whether to reveal their true identity instead of being visible by default. Well, it was intended to be so, and what we have now is… Slightly different. To be short, without an anonymous social media viewer, you won’t be able to view anything on IG without alerting the poster.

A man anonymously surfing the internet demonstrating all the benefits of anonymity on social media.

Why Do People Still Want to Stay Anonymous on Social Media in 2024?

People nowadays want to maintain anonymity on social media, mostly for safety reasons. There are many schemes where personal data is stolen and used to cheat more people or gain financial benefits. Another unpleasant situation is when personal data is stolen and sold to advertising companies that start “bombing” you with promotional emails and calls worse than mosquitoes on a summer evening.

Thus, one of the main effects of anonymity on social media is that you will not be bothered by strangers on the phone and e-mail 10 times per evening, and your name will not suddenly appear on the list of random bank’s creditors with a $100,000 debt.

Here, we have just covered the default reasons for anonymity on social media. However, there is something else. Something that did not exist at the dawn of the Internet era and only became important with technological development. We are talking about the phenomenon of social media. Initially created as a vast plain with no borders where people can search for any information they need and exchange it, the Internet in general and social media particularly have clusterized and split into smaller communities. People nowadays use such platforms to communicate with friends and share photos and videos, but they are not keen on interacting with strangers. Anonymity on social media helps to avoid such contacts.

Negative Effects of Anonymity on Social Media

an anonymous hacker sitting at the screen and doing his shady business

Unfortunately, not every cloud has a silver lining. The dark side of anonymity on social media is that it allows fraudsters, digital criminals, and online predators to stay safe and continue their fraudulent online activity with very low chances of being caught. All of them know many methods how to be anonymous on social media and are very experienced in different online tricks, such as using anonymous social media trackers. In addition, hidden personal details make trolls more “courageous”, giving them the feeling of safety while leaving negative and aggressive comments everywhere.

How to Be Anonymous on Social Media with the “+” Sign

Nameless silhouettes online - how to be anonymous on social media?

People wondering how to be anonymous on social media often struggle to answer the question of why they actually need that. The point is that anonymity on social media has, as with everything in this world, the dark and the bright side. Regarding the positive aspect, one of the main effects of anonymity on social media is safety. Hackers and fraudsters are more likely to contact people with public and not anonymous profiles, no one will randomly steal your identity to catfish, and it will not be used for a bot page.

Moreover, social media users may simply not want to share their photos and posts with their coworkers and online acquaintances, leaving such content for their close circle only, block some suspicious persons. Anonymity definitely helps with this.

Is It Possible to View Private Pages on Social Media Like Instagram?

Getting to the very beginning of this blog, the concept of anonymity on social media is often ignored nowadays. Platforms like Insta and Facebook require you to provide only real personal data and may often request you to submit a picture of your government-issued ID. Of course, there is no way how to be anonymous on social media in such conditions, right? Well, not really.

Anonymous social media tracking services like Anonymousstoryviewer allow people to view IG pages even if they are set to private mode, and, in such a way, your anonymity on social media will be preserved. With its help, you can view not only stories but also all the content posted on private pages and download it to your personal device. This anonymous social media viewer does not require you to provide any of your real-life data, so you can be sure that it is the best method how to be anonymous on social media.

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